Grafica dei giochi per computer Corsi di Specializzazione nel Regno Unito - Laurea e Master (Computer games graphics)

Programma Università Soddisfa­zione degli studenti Dis­occupati Tasso di ­abbandono Tasse (Inter­nazionale) Tariffa UCAS Città
Games Art BA (Hons) Nottingham Trent University 94% 20% 25% £16500 171 Nottingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art FdA Nottingham Trent University 91% 25% 10% £17150 96 Nottingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art BA (Hons) Staffordshire University - 7% 11% £16750 132 Stoke-on-Trent Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art with Foundation Year BA (Hons) Teesside University 83% 15% 14% £15000 £17000 135 Middlesbrough Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
3D Game Art BA (Hons) Buckinghamshire New University - 10% 20% £15000 88 High Wycombe Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art BA (Hons) Teesside University 75% 15% 14% £15000 £17000 135 Middlesbrough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Animation BA (Hons) University for the Creative Arts 78% 15% 8% £17500 138 Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Arts (with Professional Practice Year) BA (Hons) University for the Creative Arts 84% 6% 3% £17500 144 Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Games Arts (with Integrated Foundation Year) BA (Hons) University for the Creative Arts 84% 6% 3% £17500 144 Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Computer Games Modelling and Animation BA (Hons) University of Derby - 15% 10% £14900 116 Derby Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Arts (with Integrated Foundation & Professional Practice Years) BA (Hons) University for the Creative Arts 84% 6% 3% £17500 144 Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art (with a foundation year) BA (Hons) Staffordshire University 54% 7% 30% £16750 94 Stoke-on-Trent Oncampus Intera Giornata
Animation and Games Art with Integrated Foundation Year BA (Hons) University of Sunderland 75% 5% 0% £16000 117 Sunderland Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art BA (Hons) De Montfort University - 5% 18% £15750 £16250 130 Leicester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Animation and Games Art BA (Hons) University of Sunderland 87% 5% 5% £16000 113 Sunderland Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Animation, Modelling and Effects BSc (Hons) London Metropolitan University 86% 20% 30% £17600 86 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art BA (Hons) University of Bolton 61% 5% 5% £40650 £47850 115 Bolton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art Animation BA/BSc (Hons) SAE Institute 90% 5% 5% £13000 £15000 119 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art with foundation year BA (Hons) University of Bolton 94% 5% 11% £51000 £63800 125 Bolton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art (with placement) BSc (Hons) University of Gloucestershire 67% 10% 10% £15000 £15450 £16600 111 Cheltenham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art BSc (Hons) University of Gloucestershire - 10% 10% £15000 £15450 £16600 142 Cheltenham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Arts BA (Hons) University for the Creative Arts 84% 6% 3% £17500 144 Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Video Games Art and Design BA (Hons) Royal Holloway, University of London 58% 4% 10% £23800 138 Egham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Animation (with Integrated Foundation Year) BA (Hons) University for the Creative Arts 75% 15% 8% £17500 138 Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art BA (Hons) Sheffield Hallam University 75% 10% 9% £15860 £16655 114 Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Games Animation (with Integrated Foundation & Professional Practice Years) BA (Hons) University for the Creative Arts 75% 15% 8% £17500 138 Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
3D Game Art with Foundation Year BA (Hons) Buckinghamshire New University - 10% 20% £15000 88 High Wycombe Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art & Design (including Year 0) BA (Hons) Norwich University of the Arts 91% 5% 8% £18000 134 Norwich Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art & Design BA (Hons) Norwich University of the Arts - 5% 8% £18000 134 Norwich Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art BA (Hons) Futureworks 92% 0% 5% £17000 141 Salford Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Animation (with Professional Practice Year) BA (Hons) University for the Creative Arts 75% 15% 8% £17500 138 Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Games Art & Design BA (Hons) University of Brighton - 4% 8% £13842 141 Brighton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art BA (Hons) University of South Wales 55% 0% 5% £12600 136 Pontypridd Oncampus Intera Giornata
Computer Games Modelling and Animation with Foundation Year BA (Hons) University of Derby - 5% 13% £14900 119 Derby Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art BA (Hons) The University of Northampton - 10% 20% - 126 Northampton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Computer Games Art BA (Hons) Anglia Ruskin University 40% 10% 5% - 130 Cambridge Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art BA (Hons) University of the Arts London 83% - 10% £25970 150 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art BA (Hons) Coventry University - 5% 0% - 143 Coventry Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Game Art BA (Hons) Wrexham Glyndwr University 86% 10% 13% - 134 Wrexham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art BA (Hons) Leeds Beckett University 63% 5% 0% - 125 Leeds Oncampus Intera Giornata
Computer Games Art [with placement year] BA (Hons) Anglia Ruskin University 73% 15% 4% - 121 Cambridge Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Games Art (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) The University of Northampton 100% 10% 20% - 123 Northampton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art BA (Hons) Manchester Metropolitan University 90% 5% 14% - 154 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art with Integrated Foundation Year BA (Hons) Falmouth University 58% 5% 14% - 138 Falmouth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art FdA South Gloucestershire and Stroud College 86% - 20% £11750 £13250 £13250 - Bristol Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art BA (Hons) University of Worcester 64% 5% 5% - 111 Worcester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art FD Leeds City College 97% 20% 25% - - Leeds Oncampus Intera Giornata
Animation and Game Art BA (Hons) University of Worcester 80% 5% 25% - 126 Worcester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art FdA WCG -Warwickshire College Group - 5% 25% £11950 - Leamington Spa Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Arts and Design BA (Hons) Plymouth University 74% 10% 10% - 115 Plymouth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art BA (Hons) Falmouth University 74% 10% 11% - 153 Falmouth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Manchester Metropolitan University 87% 5% 14% - 136 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Computer Games Art [with Foundation Year] BA (Hons) Anglia Ruskin University - - 20% - 62 Cambridge Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art and Concept Design BA (Hons) Oldham College - 5% 5% - - Oldham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art BA (Hons) WCG -Warwickshire College Group - - 20% £11950 - Leamington Spa Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Arts (with Integrated International Foundation Year) BA (Hons) University for the Creative Arts - - - £17500 - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art with Integrated Foundation Year BA (Hons) WCG -Warwickshire College Group - - - £11950 - Leamington Spa Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Animation (with Integrated International Foundation Year) BA (Hons) University for the Creative Arts - - - £17500 - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art (Top-Up) BA (Hons) WCG -Warwickshire College Group - - - £11950 - Leamington Spa Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Animation, Modelling and Effects (including foundation year) BSc (Hons) London Metropolitan University - - - £17600 - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art with Foundation Year BA (Hons) Sheffield Hallam University - - - £15860 £16655 - Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Animation (with Integrated International Foundation & Professional Practice Years) BA (Hons) University for the Creative Arts - - - £17500 - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
3D Game Art & VFX BA (Hons) The Manchester College - - 15% - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Arts (with Integrated International Foundation & Professional Practice Years) BA (Hons) University for the Creative Arts - - - £17500 - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art and Production Top-up BA (Hons) South Gloucestershire and Stroud College - - - £11750 £13250 £13250 - Bristol Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art and Design FdA University of South Wales - - - £12300 - Pontypridd Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art and Production FdA Sunderland College - - 10% - - Sunderland Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Design (Game Art) BA (Hons) Grimsby Institute - - - - - Grimsby Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art BA (Hons) St Helens College - - - - - Saint Helens Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art and Design FdA Cardiff and Vale College - - - - - Rumney Oncampus Intera Giornata
3D Games Art and Design BA (Hons) University of Hertfordshire - - - - - Hatfield Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Animation and Game Arts with Foundation Entry BA (Hons) Blackburn College - - - - - Blackburn Oncampus Intera Giornata
Creative Media Production - Games Art and Development HND Hopwood Hall College - - - - - Rochdale Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Wrexham Glyndwr University - - - - - Wrexham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Creative Media Production - Games Art and Development HNC Hopwood Hall College - - - - - Rochdale Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art MA Sheffield Hallam University - - - - - Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata
3D Games Art MA Teesside University - - - - - Middlesbrough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art MA Falmouth University - - - - - Falmouth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art MA Manchester Metropolitan University - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Game Art MA Sheffield Hallam University - - - - - Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata
Games Art and Design MA University of Hertfordshire - - - - - Hatfield Online Mezza giornata
Sei interessato solo ai corsi a Londra?
3 Grafica dei giochi per computer Corsi a Londra.
  • How to get a job in Games Art | Into Games Career Fair 2021
  • A day in the life of a Computer Games Technology student at Birmingham City University.
  • How to Become an Artist for Video Games - RIOT Games Art Lead Charles Lee
  • Games Design at Staffordshire University: Connect to your future

Recensioni degli Studenti

Soddisfazione generale degli studenti
57 /100
13290 totale degli intervistati

Principalmente basato sui dati degli studenti universitari

L'NSS è commissionato dal Ufficio per gli studenti


Dati salariali basati principalmente sugli studenti universitari

Stipendio di tutti i laureati del Regno Unito di Grafica dei giochi per computer (principalmente studenti universitari)

  15 mesi dopo la laurea 3 anni dopo la laurea 5 anni dopo la laurea
Salario mediano £23390 £21763 £25126
25-75 percentile £19866 - £26906 £15930 - £27306 £18625 - £32984

Stipendio di tutti i Laureati del Regno Unito di tutte le materie

  15 mesi dopo la laurea 3 anni dopo la laurea 5 anni dopo la laurea
Salario mediano £23896 £22447 £26687
25-75 percentile £20546 - £26601 £17023 - £29471 £19802 - £35217

Lavori e prospettive di carriera

Prospettive di carriera per Grafica dei giochi per computer

15 mesi dopo la laurea, ai laureati di questa materia è stato chiesto quali sono le loro attuali condizioni di lavoro, cosa fanno e se le loro attività e prospettive sono direttamente collegate ai loro studi.

Lavori attuali

Tra i laureati di Grafica dei giochi per computer che hanno dichiarato di lavorare, la percentuale sottostante rappresenta il numero di laureati che sono "d'accordo" o "fortemente d'accordo" con le affermazioni sul loro lavoro.

Datori di lavoro tipici dei laureati in Grafica dei giochi per computer

  • Studi di design
  • Produttori di giochi
  • Aziende pubblicitarie e di radiodiffusione
  • Agenzie creative
  • Repubblica Ceca e società di comunicazione

Lavoro dei laureati di Grafica dei giochi per computer (15 mesi dopo la laurea)

Esempio di seguito basato su tutti i laureati di Grafica dei giochi per computer in Anglia Ruskin University

30% Professionisti della finanza
10% Professionisti associati al commercio e al servizio pubblico
10% Professionisti associati di scienza, ingegneria e tecnologia
10% Occupazione di supporto all'insegnamento e alla cura dei bambini
10% Occupazioni nel campo dello sport e del fitness
10% Professionisti dell'insegnamento
10% Servizi personali di assistenza
10% Occupazioni elementari

Requisiti di ingresso / Ammissioni

Tariffa UCAS degli studenti accettati per Grafica dei giochi per computer

Ottieni consigli su quali sono i corsi di base più adatti a te per continuare a studiare Grafica dei giochi per computer. Se non soddisfi i requisiti minimi in termini di punteggio UCAS, livelli A o requisiti di lingua Inglese.


Lo stipendio medio dei laureati di Grafica dei giochi per computer era di £23390 15 mesi dopo la laurea, £21763 3 anni dopo la laurea e £251265 anni dopo la laurea.

  • Le seguenti lauree sono offerte per gli studi di Grafica dei giochi per computer:
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - BA (Hons)
  • Foundation Degree in Arts - FdA
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) - BSc (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) / Bachelor of Science (Honours) - BA/BSc (Hons)
  • Foundation Degree - FD
  • Higher National Diploma - HND
  • Higher National Certificate - HNC
  • Master of Arts - MA