Insegnamento secondario Corsi di laurea nel Regno Unito - Lauree e Masters (Secondary teaching)

Programma Università Soddisfa­zione degli studenti Dis­occupati Tasso di ­abbandono Tasse (Inter­nazionale) Tariffa UCAS Città
Dylunio a Thechnoleg (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University 89% 10% 15% £13000 £14000 114 Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Hanes (TAR Uwchradd - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Aberystwyth University 96% 0% 3% £15375 139 Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Physics (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Cemeg gyda Gwyddoniaeth Gytbwys (TAR Uwchradd - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Drama (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Modern Foreign Languages (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Addysg Gorfforol (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Cymraeg (TAR Uwchradd - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Drama (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Music (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Computer Science PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biology (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Bioleg gyda Gwyddoniaeth Gytbwys (TAR Uwchradd - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Science (Physics) PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Information Communications Technology and Computing (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Music PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Citizenship with Social Science PGCE Kingston University - - - £15800 - Kingston upon Thames Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathemateg (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
ML: French with Spanish (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Chemistry (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Ieithoedd Modern - Ffrangeg (TAR Uwchradd - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Drama PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Addysg Grefyddol (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Physics with Balanced Science (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Religious Education (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary History PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Ieithoedd Tramor Modern (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Cerddoriaeth (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Bioleg gyda Gwyddoniaeth (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Information Technology (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
English (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Swansea University - - - £17500 - Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Design and Technology PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Modern Language - French, Spanish (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Swansea University - - - £17500 - Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary English PGCE Canterbury Christ Church University - - - £12430 - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Design and Technology (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Music (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Celf a Dylunio (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Ffiseg gyda Gwyddoniaeth Gytbwys (TAR Uwchradd - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Drama (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £15375 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary English PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Geography PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Physical Education PGCE Kingston University - - - £15800 - Kingston upon Thames Oncampus Intera Giornata
English (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Design and Technology (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Swansea University - - - £17500 £18400 - Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biology with Science (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathematics (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Physics with Mathematics PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Ffiseg gyda Gwyddoniaeth (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Physical Education PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathematics (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Computer Science (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Swansea University - - - £17500 £18400 - Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Chemistry with Balanced Science (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Mathematics PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Art (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: English PGCE Kingston University - - - £15800 - Kingston upon Thames Oncampus Intera Giornata
Daearyddiaeth (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathemateg (TAR Uwchradd - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Drama (Cyfrwng Cymraeg) (TAR Uwchradd - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £15375 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Physical Education (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Daearyddiaeth (TAR Uwchradd - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Physics (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
ML: Spanish with French (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biology (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Swansea University - - - £17500 - Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Modern Foreign Languages (French, German, Spanish) PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Geography (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Design & Technology (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Ieithoedd Modern - Sbaeneg (TAR Uwchradd - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Cymraeg (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Hanes (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biology with Balanced Science (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £17525 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Cemeg Gyda Gwyddoniaeth (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Business (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Chemistry with Science (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Saesneg (TAR Uwchradd - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Technoleg gwybodaeth a chyfathrebu a Chyfrifiadura (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Saesneg (TAR Uwchradd Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Modern Languages - French (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £15375 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Drama (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Art and Design PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Music (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
ML: German with French (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Geography (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Religious Education (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £15000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Geography (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathematics (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathematics (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
ML: French with Spanish (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
History (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
English (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
History (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Science (Biology) PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Modern Languages - Spanish (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £15375 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Physics with Science (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Science (Chemistry) PGCE University of Reading - - - £22350 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Business (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathematics (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Swansea University - - - £17500 £18400 - Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
English (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
History (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Aberystwyth University - - - £14280 - Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Art and Design (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Cardiff Metropolitan University - - - £13000 £14000 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Addysg Grefyddol - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biology with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathematics with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Design and Technology with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Ieithoedd Modern - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Modern Languages (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Religious Education (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathemateg - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Bioleg - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Dylunio a Thechnoleg gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Ffiseg gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Science (Physics) PGCE Kingston University - - - - - Kingston upon Thames Oncampus Intera Giornata
Music with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Saesneg - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Geography (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Geography with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Chemistry with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Science (Chemistry) PGCE Kingston University - - - - - Kingston upon Thames Oncampus Intera Giornata
Cymraeg gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Physical Education - (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Celf - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathematics (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
History with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Design and Technology (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Art with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Chemistry (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
TAR Uwchradd - Gweithgareddau Awyr Agored (GAA / ODA)(yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Hanes - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Religious Education with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Technoleg Gwybodaeth gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Technoleg Gwybodaeth - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Saesneg gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Daearyddiaeth - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Cerddoriaeth - TAR Uwchradd -(yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Modern Languages with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Ieithoedd Modern gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Music (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
English (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Art (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathemateg gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Cemeg - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
History (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Physics with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Cerddoriaeth gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Ffiseg - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Outdoor Activities (ODA) (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Information Technology with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Addysg Grefyddol gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
English with ODA (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Bioleg gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Cymraeg - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Science (Biology) PGCE Kingston University - - - - - Kingston upon Thames Oncampus Intera Giornata
Information Technology (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Daearyddiaeth gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Hanes gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Addysg Gorfforol - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biology (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Design & Technology (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - 30% - - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Physics (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Dylunio a Thechnoleg - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig - Graddedigion yn unig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Art with ODA (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Modern Languages (German with Spanish - RXG1) PGCE University of Chester - - - - - Chester Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Social Sciences PGCE Canterbury Christ Church University - - - - - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Cerddoriaeth - TAR Uwchradd -(yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Design and Technology (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Swansea University - - - - - Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Dylunio a Thechnoleg gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Modern Languages (German with French - RX21) PGCE University of Chester - - - - - Chester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Daearyddiaeth gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Daearyddiaeth - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Modern Languages (Spanish with German RX4C) PGCE University of Chester - - - - - Chester Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary MFL Spanish With French PGCE Canterbury Christ Church University - - - - - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Art And Design PGCE Canterbury Christ Church University - - - - - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Ieithoedd Modern gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Music (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Design and Technology with ODA (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary PE (X9C6) PGCE University of Chester - - - - - Chester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Chemistry with ODA (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Geography with ODA (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Physical Education - PGCE Secondary(leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary MFL French PGCE Canterbury Christ Church University - - - - - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Saesneg - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Drama (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - - - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Chemistry (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Swansea University - - - - - Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Chemistry - PGCE Secondary (leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Ffiseg - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Hanes - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Outdoor Activities (ODA)(Secondary PGCE) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Physics (F3X1) PGCE University of Chester - - - - - Chester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Technoleg Gwybodaeth gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary English (29NC) PGCE University of Chester - - - - - Chester Oncampus Intera Giornata
English (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Swansea University - - - - - Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Physical Education PGCE Canterbury Christ Church University - - - - - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
English (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - - - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary MFL French with German PGCE Canterbury Christ Church University - - - - - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary MFL Spanish With German PGCE Canterbury Christ Church University - - - - - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biology (Secondary PGCE) PGCE Swansea University - - - - - Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Religious Education (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - - - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
ML: German with French (Secondary PGCE - Graduates only) PGCE University of Wales - - - - - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Hanes gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Cemeg gyda GAA - TAR Uwchradd (yn arwain at ddyfarniad Statws Athro Cymwysedig) PGCE Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
PGCE Secondary Music PGCE Canterbury Christ Church University - - - - - Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
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6 Insegnamento secondario Corsi a Londra.
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  • Tim's Story - Master of Teaching (Secondary Education)
  • The Secondary Teaching for Mastery Programme


Dati salariali basati principalmente sugli studenti universitari

Stipendio di tutti i laureati del Regno Unito di Insegnamento secondario (principalmente studenti universitari)

  15 mesi dopo la laurea 3 anni dopo la laurea 5 anni dopo la laurea
Salario mediano £26506 £24514 £28116
25-75 percentile £24888 - £29177 £18792 - £27897 £20130 - £32846

Stipendio di tutti i Laureati del Regno Unito di tutte le materie

  15 mesi dopo la laurea 3 anni dopo la laurea 5 anni dopo la laurea
Salario mediano £27174 £24936 £29360
25-75 percentile £24792 - £28438 £21341 - £26357 £23053 - £32609

Lavori e prospettive di carriera

Prospettive di carriera per Insegnamento secondario

15 mesi dopo la laurea, ai laureati di questa materia è stato chiesto quali sono le loro attuali condizioni di lavoro, cosa fanno e se le loro attività e prospettive sono direttamente collegate ai loro studi.

Lavori attuali

Tra i laureati di Insegnamento secondario che hanno dichiarato di lavorare, la percentuale sottostante rappresenta il numero di laureati che sono "d'accordo" o "fortemente d'accordo" con le affermazioni sul loro lavoro.

Datori di lavoro tipici dei laureati in Insegnamento secondario

  • Scuole e collegi
  • Dipartimenti del governo centrale
  • Servizi sociali

Lavoro dei laureati di Insegnamento secondario (15 mesi dopo la laurea)

Esempio di seguito basato su tutti i laureati di Insegnamento secondario in Barnsley College

30% Occupazioni amministrative
10% Segretarie e professioni affini
10% Professionisti associati al commercio e al servizio pubblico
10% Occupazioni di vendita
10% Manager, direttori e alti funzionari

Valutazione e tempo di studio

Distribuzione dei voti

Gli studenti di Insegnamento secondario nel Regno Unito hanno ricevuto i seguenti voti.

Requisiti di ingresso / Ammissioni

Tariffa UCAS degli studenti accettati per Insegnamento secondario

Ottieni consigli su quali sono i corsi di base più adatti a te per continuare a studiare Insegnamento secondario. Se non soddisfi i requisiti minimi in termini di punteggio UCAS, livelli A o requisiti di lingua Inglese.


L'insegnamento secondario è la formazione di altre persone per impartire, spiegare e diffondere conoscenze, abilità e apprendimento ai bambini tra gli 11 e i 18 anni.

Lo stipendio medio dei laureati di Insegnamento secondario era di £26506 15 mesi dopo la laurea, £24514 3 anni dopo la laurea e £281165 anni dopo la laurea.

  • Le seguenti lauree sono offerte per gli studi di Insegnamento secondario:
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE
  • Professional Graduate Certificate in Education - PGCE