Scienza dei materiali Corsi di laurea nel Regno Unito - Lauree e Masters (Materials science)

Programma Università Soddisfa­zione degli studenti Dis­occupati Tasso di ­abbandono Tasse (Inter­nazionale) Tariffa UCAS Città
Biomaterials Engineering MEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology 94% 0% 5% £27250 179 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biomaterials Engineering BEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology 94% 0% 5% £27250 179 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering BEng (Hons) The University of Sheffield 91% 0% 0% £29110 150 Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering MEng (Hons) Imperial College of Science 87% 0% 2% £40940 197 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Automotive Materials MEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology - 0% 5% £27250 179 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology 95% 0% 5% £27250 179 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering (with placement year) MEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology 95% 0% 5% £27250 179 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering BEng (Hons) Imperial College of Science 70% 0% 5% £40940 200 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Automotive Materials (with placement year) MEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology - 0% 5% £27250 179 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering BEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology 100% 5% 0% £27250 165 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MEng (Hons) Imperial College of Science 80% 0% 2% £40940 204 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biomaterials Engineering (with placement year) MEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology 94% 0% 5% £27250 179 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biomaterials Engineering (with placement year) BEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology 94% 0% 5% £27250 179 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering (with placement year) BEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology 100% 5% 0% £27250 165 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MEng (Hons) The University of Sheffield 86% 0% 0% £29110 173 Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials with Nuclear Engineering MEng (Hons) Imperial College of Science 78% 0% 10% £40940 192 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Automotive Materials BEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology - 0% 5% £27250 179 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Automotive Materials (with placement year) BEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology - 0% 5% £27250 179 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering BEng (Hons) Queen Mary University of London 76% 0% 0% - 136 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Nuclear Science and Materials BSc (Hons) University of Birmingham 85% 1% 10% - 180 Birmingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with a Year Abroad BEng (Hons) Queen Mary University of London 76% 0% 0% - 118 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MEng (Hons) Queen Mary University of London 76% 0% 0% - 118 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Experience MEng (Hons) Queen Mary University of London 76% 0% 0% - 118 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Engineering with Foundation Year BEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology 94% 0% 5% - 179 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with a Year Abroad MEng (Hons) Queen Mary University of London 76% 0% 0% - 118 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Experience BEng (Hons) Queen Mary University of London 76% 0% 0% - 118 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science with Foundation BEng (Hons) Queen Mary University of London 76% 0% 0% - 118 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng (Hons) Swansea University 95% 5% 0% - 152 Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with Textile Technology MEng (Hons) The University of Manchester 90% 15% 6% - 165 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering BSc (Hons) The University of Manchester 91% 5% 3% - 191 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with Biomaterials MEng (Hons) The University of Manchester 70% 15% 6% - 165 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with Metallurgy MEng (Hons) The University of Manchester 90% 15% 6% - 165 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering BEng (Hons) University of Leeds 100% 5% 5% - 168 Leeds Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with a Year Abroad BEng (Hons) Swansea University 95% 5% 10% - 113 Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with Corrosion MEng (Hons) The University of Manchester 90% 15% 6% - 165 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MEng (Hons) The University of Manchester 79% 20% 10% - 195 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng (Hons) Swansea University 95% 5% 10% - 113 Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with Polymers BEng (Hons) The University of Manchester 90% 15% 6% - 165 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with Nanomaterials MEng (Hons) The University of Manchester 87% 15% 6% - 165 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Chemistry with Work Placement Msci (Hons) University of Glasgow 65% 0% 0% - 202 Glasgow Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MEng (Hons) University of Leeds 100% 5% 5% - 168 Leeds Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science with an Integrated Foundation Year MEng (Hons) The University of Manchester 87% 15% 6% - 148 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with a Year Abroad MEng (Hons) Swansea University 95% 5% 10% - 113 Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MEng (Hons) Swansea University 95% 0% 10% - 113 Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with a Foundation Year BEng (Hons) Swansea University 95% 10% 15% - 113 Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering BEng (Hons) Swansea University 95% 15% 0% - 119 Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Chemistry BSc (Hons) University of Glasgow 65% 0% 0% - 202 Glasgow Oncampus Intera Giornata
Physics of Materials MSc Loughborough University of Technology - - - £28100 - Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials with Management BEng (Hons) Imperial College of Science - - - £37900 - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science Engineering with a Foundation Year MEng (Hons) The University of Sheffield - - - £29110 - Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata
Conservation Studies, specialising in Books and Library Materials Grad Dip West Dean College of Arts and Conservation - - - £14640 - Chichester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year BEng (Hons) The University of Sheffield - - - £29110 - Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata
Composite Materials Engineering MSc (PG) Wrexham Glyndwr University - - - £12500 - Wrexham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Engineering MSc Swansea University - - - £22350 £23450 - Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Chemistry for Sustainable Energy MSc University of Aberdeen - - - £27000 - Aberdeen Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Chemistry MSc MSc (PG) University of Bradford - - - £23028 - Bradford Oncampus Intera Giornata
Chemistry - Materials Chemistry MChem University of Bradford - - - £22180 - Bradford Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MEng (Hons) University of Birmingham - - - - - Birmingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MEng (Hons) University of Birmingham - - - - - Birmingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering BEng (Hons) University of Birmingham - - - - - Birmingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Engineering with Industry MSc Swansea University - - - - - Swansea Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biomedical Engineering with Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering MSc Queen Mary University of London - - - - - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science MSc (Res) Lancaster University - - - - - Lancaster Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MSc The University of Sheffield - - - - - Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MSc University of Leeds - - - - - Leeds Oncampus Intera Giornata
Catalysis and Porous Materials MPhil The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Mezza giornata
Dental Materials MSc Queen Mary University of London - - - - - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Dental Materials Science MSc University of Birmingham - - - - - Birmingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Renewable Materials MPhil Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MSc University of Birmingham - - - - - Birmingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Advanced Materials Science and Engineering MSc Queen Mary University of London - - - - - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Advanced Biomedical Materials CDT PhD The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Polymer Materials Science and Engineering MSc The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Advanced Materials MSc MSc The University of Nottingham - - - - - Nottingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Chemistry PhD The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Chemistry MSc The University of Edinburgh - - - - - Edinburgh Oncampus Intera Giornata
Condensed Matter PhD The University of Edinburgh - - - - - Edinburgh Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biomaterials MSc The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Advanced Engineering Materials MSc The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Nanomaterials MSc The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials MPhil The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Mezza giornata
Nanomaterials and Materials Science MSc The University of Sheffield - - - - - Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata
Chemical and Materials Engineering MEng (Hons) University of Leeds - - - - - Leeds Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials MSc (Res) University of Oxford - - - - - Oxford Oncampus Intera Giornata
Dental Materials Science MSc The University of Sheffield - - - - - Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering MSc Queen's University of Belfast - - - - - Belfast Oncampus Intera Giornata
Advanced Materials MSc Manchester Metropolitan University - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Condensed Matter Physics MSc Queen Mary University of London - - - - - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biomaterials MPhil The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Mezza giornata
Electrical Materials Science MPhil Bangor University - - - - - Bangor Oncampus Intera Giornata
Condensed Matter Physics DPhil University of Oxford - - - - - Oxford Oncampus Intera Giornata
Structural Engineering and Concrete Materials MSc MSc University of Dundee - - - - - Dundee Oncampus Intera Giornata
Aerospace Structures and Materials MSc (PG) Queen Mary University of London - - - - - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Chemical and Materials Engineering BEng (Hons) University of Leeds - - - - - Leeds Oncampus Intera Giornata
Biomaterials Science and Dental Technology MPhil The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials and Processes MSc (Res) The University of Edinburgh - - - - - Edinburgh Oncampus Mezza giornata
Advanced Functional Materials and Analytical Science PhD The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Mezza giornata
Metallurgy and Materials PhD University of Birmingham - - - - - Birmingham Oncampus Mezza giornata
Materials Science MEng (Hons) University of Oxford - - - - - Oxford Oncampus Intera Giornata
Science and Engineering of Materials MRes University of Birmingham - - - - - Birmingham Oncampus Mezza giornata
Dental Materials MSc University of Leeds - - - - - Leeds Oncampus Intera Giornata
Aerospace Materials MSc (Eng) The University of Sheffield - - - - - Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata
Structural Engineering with Materials MSc Nottingham Trent University - - - - - Nottingham Oncampus Mezza giornata
Materials Research MRes Queen Mary University of London - - - - - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science PhD Lancaster University - - - - - Lancaster Oncampus Intera Giornata
Materials Science and Engineering with Professional Internship MSc Queen's University of Belfast - - - - - Belfast Oncampus Intera Giornata
Sei interessato solo ai corsi a Londra?
18 Scienza dei materiali Corsi a Londra.
  • Careers in Materials Science and Engineering
  • A week in the life of a Materials Science and Engineering student
  • Studying Materials Science
  • We Are Birmingham Alumni - Annabel Fitzgerald, Materials Science
  • What is materials science?

Recensioni degli Studenti

Soddisfazione generale degli studenti
77 /100
561 totale degli intervistati

Principalmente basato sui dati degli studenti universitari

L'NSS è commissionato dal Ufficio per gli studenti


Dati salariali basati principalmente sugli studenti universitari

Stipendio di tutti i laureati del Regno Unito di Scienza dei materiali (principalmente studenti universitari)

  15 mesi dopo la laurea 3 anni dopo la laurea 5 anni dopo la laurea
Salario mediano £30000 £31500 £38000
25-75 percentile £26000 - £35000 £23500 - £41500 £27500 - £48500

Stipendio di tutti i Laureati del Regno Unito di tutte le materie

  15 mesi dopo la laurea 3 anni dopo la laurea 5 anni dopo la laurea
Salario mediano £30673 £26650 £34012
25-75 percentile £26596 - £35077 £22500 - £35250 £26220 - £44488

Lavori e prospettive di carriera

Prospettive di carriera per Scienza dei materiali

15 mesi dopo la laurea, ai laureati di questa materia è stato chiesto quali sono le loro attuali condizioni di lavoro, cosa fanno e se le loro attività e prospettive sono direttamente collegate ai loro studi.

Lavori attuali

Tra i laureati di Scienza dei materiali che hanno dichiarato di lavorare, la percentuale sottostante rappresenta il numero di laureati che sono "d'accordo" o "fortemente d'accordo" con le affermazioni sul loro lavoro.

Datori di lavoro tipici dei laureati in Scienza dei materiali

  • Aerospaziale
  • Forze armate e difesa
  • Automotive
  • Fabbricazione
  • Industria nucleare
  • Petrolio e gas
  • Farmaceutica
  • Ricerca e sviluppo scientifico
  • Attrezzature sportive
  • Telecomunicazioni
  • Trasporti
  • Utilities

Specializzazioni all'interno di Scienza dei materiali

  • Progettazione ed elaborazione avanzata dei materiali
  • Biomateriali
  • Materiali elettronici e fotonici
  • Materiali su nanoscala e nanotecnologia
  • Materiali morbidi e polimeri

Lavoro dei laureati di Scienza dei materiali (15 mesi dopo la laurea)

Esempio di seguito basato su tutti i laureati di Scienza dei materiali in The University of Sheffield

45% Professionisti dei media
15% Occupazioni amministrative
10% Professionisti associati al commercio e al servizio pubblico
10% Professionisti dell'insegnamento
5% Professionisti della tecnologia dell'informazione
5% Occupazioni di vendita
5% Occupazione di supporto all'insegnamento e alla cura dei bambini
5% Professionisti del commercio, della ricerca e dell'amministrazione
5% Professionisti dei media
5% Professionisti della finanza

Valutazione e tempo di studio

Requisiti di ingresso / Ammissioni

Tariffa UCAS degli studenti accettati per Scienza dei materiali

Ottieni consigli su quali sono i corsi di base più adatti a te per continuare a studiare Scienza dei materiali. Se non soddisfi i requisiti minimi in termini di punteggio UCAS, livelli A o requisiti di lingua Inglese.


La scienza dei materiali è lo studio della struttura cristallina e granulare dei materiali, comprese le configurazioni elettroniche atomiche e molecolari.

Lo stipendio medio dei laureati di Scienza dei materiali era di £30000 15 mesi dopo la laurea, £31500 3 anni dopo la laurea e £380005 anni dopo la laurea.

  • Le seguenti lauree sono offerte per gli studi di Scienza dei materiali:
  • Master of Engineering (Honours) - MEng (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BEng (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) - BSc (Hons)
  • Master of Science (Honours) - Msci (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Science - BSc
  • Master of Science - MSc
  • Graduate Diploma - Grad Dip
  • Master of Science (Postgraduate) - MSc (PG)
  • Master of Chemistry - MChem
  • Master of Science (Research) - MSc (Res)
  • Master of Philosophy - MPhil
  • Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
  • Doctor of Philosophy - DPhil
  • Master of Research - MRes
  • Master of Science (Engineering) - MSc (Eng)
  • Masters in Research - MRes