Gestione della costruzione Corsi di Specializzazione nel Regno Unito - Laurea e Master (Construction management)

Programma Università Soddisfa­zione degli studenti Dis­occupati Tasso di ­abbandono Tasse (Inter­nazionale) Tariffa UCAS Città
Construction Management BSc (Hons) Glasgow Caledonian University 67% 5% 14% £14500 £15200 153 Glasgow Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) Sheffield Hallam University 81% 0% 5% £15860 £16655 132 Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Management BSc (Hons) Nottingham Trent University 89% 0% 10% £17150 109 Nottingham Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Management and Surveying with International Foundation Year BSc (Hons) University of Reading 78% 4% 11% £27650 127 Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) University of Derby - 10% 25% £14900 122 Derby Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) University of South Wales 71% 5% 20% £12600 123 Pontypridd Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) Heriot-Watt University 67% 0% 5% £18704 158 Edinburgh Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management BSc (Hons) Birmingham City University 81% 5% 15% £16085 100 Birmingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management BSc (Hons) University of East London 60% 25% 10% £13920 £14580 90 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management (Including Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) University of South Wales 71% 5% 20% £12600 123 Pontypridd Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management (with placement) BSc (Hons) University of Gloucestershire - 0% 49% £15000 114 Cheltenham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management (Sandwich Course) BSc (Hons) University of South Wales 71% 5% 10% £12600 123 Pontypridd Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Management BSc (Hons) Nottingham Trent University 53% 10% 5% £17150 107 Nottingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management with Foundation BSc (Hons) University of Westminster 77% 5% 15% £15400 133 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Civil Engineering with Construction Management BEng (Hons) University of Brighton 66% 5% 10% £13842 108 Brighton Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Management BSc (Hons) University of Greenwich 65% 5% 25% £16150 £17000 138 London Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Management BSc (Hons) University of Derby - 15% 35% £14900 122 Derby Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) Birmingham City University 81% 10% 13% £16085 120 Birmingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management BSc (Hons) University of Reading 78% 4% 15% £27650 120 Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management with Foundation BSc (Hons) University of West London 67% 15% 0% £16250 89 Ealing Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management and Surveying BSc (Hons) University of Reading - 0% 5% £27650 119 Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management with Art & Design Foundation Year BSc (Hons) Southampton Solent University 73% 0% 10% £13020 £14000 118 Southampton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management BSc (Hons) University of Westminster 90% 5% 15% £15400 133 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management BSc (Hons) Southampton Solent University 73% 0% 10% £15000 £16125 118 Southampton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management with International Foundation Year BSc (Hons) University of Reading 78% 4% 11% £27650 127 Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) University of Huddersfield 89% 0% 5% £16500 121 Huddersfield Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management BSc (Hons) Anglia Ruskin University 81% 0% 17% - 102 Cambridge Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management (with Placement year) BSc (Hons) Anglia Ruskin University 83% 0% 17% - 102 Cambridge Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) University of Central Lancashire 78% 0% 25% - 123 Preston Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) University of Central Lancashire - 0% 25% - 123 Preston Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management BSc (Hons) Leeds Beckett University 71% 1% 0% - 108 Leeds Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Management BSc (Hons) London South Bank University 87% 5% 0% - 106 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management [with Foundation Year] BSc (Hons) Anglia Ruskin University - 0% 17% - 102 Cambridge Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) University of the West of England 80% 5% 0% - 123 Bristol Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Project Management with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) University of Salford 54% 4% 17% - 118 Salford Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) University of Wolverhampton - 10% 15% - 92 Wolverhampton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) University of Salford - 5% 10% - 130 Salford Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management BSc (Hons) University of Wolverhampton 68% 10% 15% - 92 Wolverhampton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) University of the West of England 80% 5% 5% - 118 Bristol Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) Plymouth University 74% 5% 5% - 118 Plymouth Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Management with Sandwich Placement BA (Hons) University of Wolverhampton - 10% 20% - 92 Wolverhampton Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Management HND Bromley College of Further and Higher Education 61% 5% 15% - - Bromley Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management BSc (Hons) Wrexham Glyndwr University - 10% 5% - - Wrexham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Building Studies HND Bromley College of Further and Higher Education 61% 5% 15% - - Bromley Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management BSc (Hons) University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) University of West London - - - £16250 - Ealing Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management HNC University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management MSc City University London - - - £20760 - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management and Surveying with International Foundation Year (January entry) BSc (Hons) University of Reading - - - £27650 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management HND University of Wales - - - £13500 - Cardiff Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Management BSc (Hons) Teesside University - - - £15000 £17000 - Middlesbrough Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Management BSc (Hons) Liverpool John Moores University - - - £16100 £18250 - Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Project Management MSc University of Greenwich - - - £17450 - London Oncampus Mezza giornata
Civil Engineering and Construction Management FdSc University of East London - - - £13920 £14580 - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Structural Design and Construction Management MSc Kingston University - - - £15800 - Kingston upon Thames Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management BSc (Hons) University of Brighton - - - £13842 - Brighton Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Project Management MSc Edinburgh Napier University - - - £770 - Edinburgh Online Mezza giornata
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) University of Gloucestershire - - - £15000 - Cheltenham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) Aston University - - - £18150 - Birmingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management and International Development MSc University of Reading - - - £26950 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management HND University of the Highlands and Islands - - - £7440 - Inverness Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management and Economics MSc University of Greenwich - - - £17450 - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management MSc University of Reading - - - £26950 - Reading Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Management (Site Management) BSc (Hons) Colchester Institute - - - £6190 - Colchester Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Management (Quantity Surveying) BSc (Hons) Colchester Institute - - - £4950 - Colchester Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Management HNC University of the Highlands and Islands - - - £7980 £8775 - Inverness Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons) University of East London - - - £13920 £14580 - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management CertHE University of East London - - - £13920 - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Structural Design and Construction Management with Sustainability MSc Kingston University - - - £8690 - Kingston upon Thames Oncampus Mezza giornata
Civil Engineering with Construction Management MEng (Hons) University of Brighton - - - £13842 - Brighton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management with International Foundation Year (January entry) BSc (Hons) University of Reading - - - £27650 - Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management MSc University of Portsmouth - - - £10100 £9600 - Portsmouth Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Management (Architectural Technology) BSc (Hons) Colchester Institute - - - £6190 - Colchester Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction and the Built Environment: Construction Management HND Grŵp NPTC Group - - - - - Neath Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction and the Built Environment (Construction Management Pathway) HND Trafford College - - - - - Altrincham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management HNC Middlesbrough College - - - - - Middlesbrough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Civil Engineering and Construction Management MSc University of Derby - - - - - Derby Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) Oxford Brookes University - - - - - Oxford Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction and the Built Environment (Construction Management) Top-Up HND East Surrey College - - - - - Redhill Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) Coventry University - - - - - Coventry Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Management (GCU Pathways) BSc Glasgow Caledonian University - - - - - Glasgow Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management (Top-Up) BSc Leicester College - - - - - Leicester Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Management (Top Up) BSc (Hons) Bradford College - - - - - Bradford Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Management FdSc University of Bedfordshire - - 45% - - Luton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction and the Built Environment Top Up (Construction Management Pathway) HND Trafford College - - - - - Altrincham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management (Top-up) BSc (Hons) University of Bedfordshire - - - - - Luton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management MSc University of South Wales - - - - - Pontypridd Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Management MSc University of Brighton - - - - - Brighton Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Management (Top Up) BSc (Hons) Moulton College - - - - - Northampton Oncampus Mezza giornata
Advanced Engineering Management: Construction Management MSc University of Birmingham - - - - - Birmingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management BSc University of Westminster - - - - - London Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Project Management MSc Sheffield Hallam University - - - - - Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Construction Management with BIM MSc Coventry University - - - - - Coventry Oncampus Intera Giornata
International Construction Management and Engineering MSc (Eng) University of Leeds - - - - - Leeds Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management with BIM MSc Northumbria University - - - - - Newcastle Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management MSc Nottingham Trent University - - - - - Nottingham Oncampus Mezza giornata
Construction Project Management MSc University of Central Lancashire - - - - - Preston Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management MSc University of the West of England - - - - - Bristol Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Project Management MSc University of Westminster - - - - - London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Construction Management PgCert Ulster University - - - - - Coleraine Oncampus Intera Giornata
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4 Corsi online Gestione della costruzione.
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19 Gestione della costruzione Corsi a Londra.
  • A Day in the Life: Construction Project Management
  • A day in life of a Construction Management student

Recensioni degli Studenti

Soddisfazione generale degli studenti
53 /100
4336 totale degli intervistati

Principalmente basato sui dati degli studenti universitari

L'NSS è commissionato dal Ufficio per gli studenti


Dati salariali basati principalmente sugli studenti universitari

Stipendio di tutti i laureati del Regno Unito di Gestione della costruzione (principalmente studenti universitari)

  15 mesi dopo la laurea 3 anni dopo la laurea 5 anni dopo la laurea
Salario mediano £32378 £34420 £39657
25-75 percentile £28294 - £38057 £26867 - £43392 £30382 - £50214

Stipendio di tutti i Laureati del Regno Unito di tutte le materie

  15 mesi dopo la laurea 3 anni dopo la laurea 5 anni dopo la laurea
Salario mediano £30921 £35363 £41734
25-75 percentile £26835 - £36254 £28278 - £43182 £31688 - £51731

Lavori e prospettive di carriera

Prospettive di carriera per Gestione della costruzione

15 mesi dopo la laurea, ai laureati di questa materia è stato chiesto quali sono le loro attuali condizioni di lavoro, cosa fanno e se le loro attività e prospettive sono direttamente collegate ai loro studi.

Lavori attuali

Tra i laureati di Gestione della costruzione che hanno dichiarato di lavorare, la percentuale sottostante rappresenta il numero di laureati che sono "d'accordo" o "fortemente d'accordo" con le affermazioni sul loro lavoro.

Datori di lavoro tipici dei laureati in Gestione della costruzione

  • Imprese di costruzione nazionali o internazionali
  • Aziende di progettazione e costruzione
  • Appaltatori di ingegneria civile
  • Società di costruzione e gestione di progetti o consulenze
  • Società di sviluppo immobiliare
  • Organizzazioni coinvolte nella rigenerazione urbana e nello sviluppo sostenibile
  • Associazioni edilizie
  • Autorità sanitarie

Lavoro dei laureati di Gestione della costruzione (15 mesi dopo la laurea)

Esempio di seguito basato su tutti i laureati di Gestione della costruzione in Anglia Ruskin University

74% Servizi personali di assistenza
35% Professionisti della tecnologia dell'informazione
35% Occupazioni di vendita
10% Manager, direttori e alti funzionari
7% Occupazioni elementari
5% Operatori di processo, impianti e macchine
5% Professionisti associati di scienza, ingegneria e tecnologia
4% Professionisti associati al commercio e al servizio pubblico
3% Professionisti della tecnologia dell'informazione
1% Segretarie e professioni affini

Requisiti di ingresso / Ammissioni

Tariffa UCAS degli studenti accettati per Gestione della costruzione

Ottieni consigli su quali sono i corsi di base più adatti a te per continuare a studiare Gestione della costruzione. Se non soddisfi i requisiti minimi in termini di punteggio UCAS, livelli A o requisiti di lingua Inglese.


La gestione della costruzione è lo studio della realizzazione di progetti di costruzione secondo le specifiche del cliente dall'inizio alla fine.

Lo stipendio medio dei laureati di Gestione della costruzione era di £32378 15 mesi dopo la laurea, £34420 3 anni dopo la laurea e £396575 anni dopo la laurea.

  • Le seguenti lauree sono offerte per gli studi di Gestione della costruzione:
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) - BSc (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BEng (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - BA (Hons)
  • Higher National Diploma - HND
  • Higher National Certificate - HNC
  • Master of Science - MSc
  • Foundation Degree in Science - FdSc
  • Certificate of Higher Education - CertHE
  • Master of Engineering (Honours) - MEng (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Science - BSc
  • Master of Science (Engineering) - MSc (Eng)
  • Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
  • Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
  • Master of Science (Postgraduate) - MSc (PG)