Contabilità Corsi di laurea nel Regno Unito - Lauree e Masters (Accounting)

Programma Università Soddisfa­zione degli studenti Dis­occupati Tasso di ­abbandono Tasse (Inter­nazionale) Tariffa UCAS Città
Accounting and Finance BAEcon The University of Manchester 88% 10% 2% - 148 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance MPhil The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance MSc The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting BSc (Hons) The University of Manchester 86% 10% 5% - 154 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Business Accounting with Industrial/Professional Experience - Flying Start Degree Programme BSc The University of Manchester 88% 10% 3% - 168 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting with Industrial/Professional Experience BSc (Hons) The University of Manchester 88% 10% 0% - 176 Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting MSc The University of Manchester - - - - - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance MSc BPP University - - - £12960 - Manchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance BA (Hons) University of Strathclyde 91% 5% 8% £19600 203 Glasgow Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance and Computing BSc (Hons) Aberystwyth University 86% 0% 8% £16520 112 Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Musical Theatre (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 71% 0% 5% £12500 113 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance with Law BA (Hons) University of Abertay Dundee 74% 0% 15% £15000 159 Dundee Oncampus Intera Giornata
Finance, Accounting and Management with a Placement Year BSc (Hons) The University of Nottingham 75% 3% 0% £20500 154 Nottingham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Financial Management and Economics BA (Hons) The University of Sheffield 75% 6% 5% £22680 135 Sheffield Oncampus Intera Giornata
Economics with Accountancy BSc (Hons) University of East Anglia 82% 5% 10% £20600 132 Norwich Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Film & Visual Culture (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 71% 0% 5% £12500 113 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance/Economics BSc (Hons) Aberystwyth University 91% 10% 5% £16520 110 Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons) Teesside University - 5% 15% £15000 £17000 109 Middlesbrough Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) University of Derby 93% 0% 0% £14900 121 Derby Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Film & Visual Culture BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 71% 0% 5% £12500 113 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Law with options in Accountancy LLB (Hons) University of Aberdeen 90% 4% 4% £21900 £20800 203 Aberdeen Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Economics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 76% 0% 5% £12500 115 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance and Law (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 38% 10% 6% £12500 108 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting with Placement Year BA (Hons) University of Wales 82% 8% 20% £13500 129 Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Accountancy and Finance BSc (Hons) Southampton Solent University - 0% 5% £15000 £16125 97 Southampton Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting (Including Placement Year) BSc (Hons) University of Essex 78% 8% 3% £20500 114 Colchester Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Accounting & Hospitality and Tourism Management BA (Hons) University of Strathclyde 69% 5% 20% £19600 198 Glasgow Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Information Technology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 82% 0% 10% £12500 112 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Nutrition (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 86% 0% 10% £12500 115 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 70% 0% 5% £12500 125 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Sport & Physical Education (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 85% 0% 13% £12500 123 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting BSc (Hons) Durham University 92% 10% 3% £26250 £27600 146 Durham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathematics and Accounting and Finance with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons) University of Kent 74% 2% 13% £18000 116 Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons) Aston University 76% 4% 0% £18250 141 Birmingham Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Accounting & Economics BA (Hons) University of Strathclyde 88% 0% 10% £19600 207 Glasgow Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Management BA (Hons) Durham University 71% 0% 3% £26250 £27600 152 Durham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Management with Accounting BSc (Hons) Royal Holloway, University of London 75% 5% 0% £21000 148 Egham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Nutrition BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 47% 0% 5% £12500 113 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) Cardiff Metropolitan University 80% 10% 5% £15000 £16000 107 Cardiff Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Management with Study Abroad BSc University of Bristol - 10% 5% £26400 138 Bristol Oncampus Intera Giornata
Economics with Accountancy with a Placement Year BSc (Hons) University of East Anglia 82% 5% 5% £20600 132 Norwich Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance (with placement) BA (Hons) University of Gloucestershire 59% 5% 10% £15000 £15450 115 Cheltenham Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Accounting with Economics (Including Year Abroad) BSc (Hons) University of Essex 72% 5% 9% £20500 119 Colchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathematics and Accounting and Financial Management (with placement year) BSc (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology 89% 5% 0% £22000 180 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Accounting & Finance and Computer Science (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 80% 15% 9% £12500 122 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance (Including Year Abroad) BSc (Hons) University of Essex 78% 8% 3% £20500 114 Colchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Drama (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 85% 0% 13% £12500 134 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Business Accounting & Finance BA (Hons) University of Derby 86% 0% 15% £14900 118 Derby Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Social Policy BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 100% 0% 10% £12500 112 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Economics and Accounting MA (Hons) The University of Edinburgh 71% 3% 0% £26500 213 Edinburgh Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance/Spanish BSc (Hons) Aberystwyth University 90% 5% 10% £15375 113 Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons) University of Bristol - 0% 6% £26400 151 Bristol Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting BAcc (Hons) University of the West of Scotland 86% 5% 5% £14500 127 Paisley Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accountancy and Finance MA (Hons) Heriot-Watt University - 2% 2% £18704 194 Edinburgh Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Law BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 38% 10% 6% £12500 108 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Management BSc (Hons) University of Bristol - 3% 25% £26400 166 Bristol Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Psychology (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 66% 5% 8% £12500 117 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) Durham University 94% 20% 4% £26250 £27600 136 Durham Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting with French BSc (Hons) Queen's University of Belfast 83% 0% 4% £20800 161 Belfast Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accountancy and Mathematics BSc (Hons) University of Dundee 77% 5% 5% £20900 £20600 172 Dundee Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance BA (Hons) The University of Winchester 91% 5% 15% £16700 126 Winchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accountancy BA (Hons) Glasgow Caledonian University 90% 3% 6% £14500 £15200 190 Glasgow Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance with Foundation Year BA (Hons) University of West London 100% 10% 10% £16250 68 Ealing Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance with a Year in Business BSc (Hons) Royal Holloway, University of London 85% 5% 5% £21000 132 Egham Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Finance and Accounting with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) Buckinghamshire New University - 0% 20% £15000 91 High Wycombe Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accountancy BAcc University of Dundee 82% 0% 7% £20900 £21900 166 Dundee Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 95% 5% 10% £12500 112 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Business Management (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 80% 5% 0% £12500 108 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Finance and Accounting BSc (Hons) Anglia Ruskin University 89% 10% 5% £11000 91 Cambridge Oncampus Intera Giornata
Management with Accounting (Year in Business) BSc (Hons) Royal Holloway, University of London 77% 5% 10% £21000 141 Egham Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Accounting & Finance and Creative Writing BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 71% 0% 5% £12500 108 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Management (Including Year Abroad) BSc (Hons) University of Essex 72% 5% 9% £20500 119 Colchester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons) University of East Anglia 80% 5% 15% £20600 148 Norwich Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Accounting & Finance and Philosophy & Ethics (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 71% 0% 5% £12500 112 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Early Childhood (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 100% 0% 10% £12500 114 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Social Care BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 72% 0% 5% £12500 127 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance and Economics with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons) University of Kent 82% 5% 0% £18600 129 Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Law and Accounting and Finance (4 years) LLB (Hons) University of Kent 76% 5% 4% £18000 118 Canterbury Oncampus Intera Giornata
Finance and Accounting BSc (Hons) Buckinghamshire New University - 5% 20% £15000 90 High Wycombe Oncampus Intera Giornata
Economics with Accounting BSc (Hons) City University London 50% 10% 4% £20860 124 London Oncampus Intera Giornata
Business and Management (Accounting) - Professional Placement Year BA (Hons) Bath Spa University 76% 3% 23% £15750 124 Bath Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Accounting & Finance BA (Hons) Bournemouth University 81% 0% 14% £17800 110 Poole Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Accounting & Finance and Information Technology BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 82% 0% 10% £12500 112 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Mathematics and Accounting and Financial Management BSc (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology 89% 5% 0% £22000 180 Loughborough Oncampus Intera Giornata
Business & Management with Accounting & Finance BSc (Hons) Edge Hill University 71% 0% 5% £16500 133 Ormskirk Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Media & Communication (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 71% 0% 5% £12500 113 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting with Finance BA (Hons) University of Portsmouth 82% 3% 7% £18100 118 Portsmouth Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Accounting and Finance MA (Hons) The University of Edinburgh 83% 5% 0% £26500 195 Edinburgh Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Psychology BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 66% 5% 8% £12500 121 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Management With Placement Experience BA (Hons) University of Reading 86% 0% 15% £22350 135 Reading Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Accountancy and Finance MA (Hons) University of Aberdeen 81% 0% 0% £21900 £20800 180 Aberdeen Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Bournemouth University 76% 0% 11% £17800 59 Poole Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Mathematics, Statistics and Accounting BSc (Hons) University of Strathclyde 90% 0% 10% £19600 225 Glasgow Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance (with optional placement year) BA (Hons) University of Chichester 71% 3% 5% £15840 £16344 145 Chichester Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) University of West London 97% 5% 5% £16250 107 Ealing Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance and Politics BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 76% 0% 0% £12500 105 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting with Spanish BSc (Hons) Queen's University of Belfast - 0% 4% £20800 162 Belfast Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance/Business and Management BSc (Hons) Aberystwyth University 81% 10% 10% £16520 124 Aberystwyth Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting & Finance (with Foundation Year) BA (Hons) Liverpool Hope University 80% 15% 9% £12500 118 Liverpool Oncampus Intera Giornata
Accounting and Finance (Sandwich course) BA (Hons) University of South Wales 88% 8% 6% £12600 110 Pontypridd Oncampus Intera Giornata Sandwich
Sei interessato agli studi online?
6 Corsi online Contabilità.
Sei interessato solo ai corsi a Londra?
85 Contabilità Corsi a Londra.
  • Highest Paying Jobs For Accounting Majors! (Top 10 Jobs)
  • Why did you get a Master of Accountancy?
  • Finance vs Accounting
  • Why I did BSc Accounting and Finance
  • finals week in my life — I finished undergrad! // accounting student

Recensioni degli Studenti

Soddisfazione generale degli studenti
74 /100
20162 totale degli intervistati

Principalmente basato sui dati degli studenti universitari

L'NSS è commissionato dal Ufficio per gli studenti


Dati salariali basati principalmente sugli studenti universitari

Stipendio di tutti i laureati del Regno Unito di Contabilità (principalmente studenti universitari)

  15 mesi dopo la laurea 3 anni dopo la laurea 5 anni dopo la laurea
Salario mediano £24004 £23818 £29383
25-75 percentile £20982 - £28114 £18679 - £30387 £21981 - £39292

Stipendio di tutti i Laureati del Regno Unito di tutte le materie

  15 mesi dopo la laurea 3 anni dopo la laurea 5 anni dopo la laurea
Salario mediano £24675 £25165 £31653
25-75 percentile £21858 - £28042 £19745 - £30834 £24410 - £40383

Lavori e prospettive di carriera

Prospettive di carriera per Contabilità

15 mesi dopo la laurea, ai laureati di questa materia è stato chiesto quali sono le loro attuali condizioni di lavoro, cosa fanno e se le loro attività e prospettive sono direttamente collegate ai loro studi.

Lavori attuali

Tra i laureati di Contabilità che hanno dichiarato di lavorare, la percentuale sottostante rappresenta il numero di laureati che sono "d'accordo" o "fortemente d'accordo" con le affermazioni sul loro lavoro.

Datori di lavoro tipici dei laureati in Contabilità

  • Società di contabilità
  • Società di costruzioni
  • Banche di alto livello
  • Compagnie di assicurazione
  • Banche d'investimento
  • Società di consulenza manageriale
  • Datori di lavoro del settore pubblico

Specializzazioni all'interno di Contabilità

  • Contabilità dei costi
  • Contabilità ambientale
  • Contabilità finanziaria
  • Contabilità forense
  • Contabilità gestionale
  • Contabilità pubblica
  • Contabilità sportiva
  • Tassazione

Lavoro dei laureati di Contabilità (15 mesi dopo la laurea)

Esempio di seguito basato su tutti i laureati di Contabilità in Anglia Ruskin University

50% Occupazioni amministrative
35% Altri professionisti della salute
10% Professionisti della finanza
10% Servizi personali di assistenza

Valutazione e tempo di studio

Distribuzione dei voti

Gli studenti di Contabilità nel Regno Unito hanno ricevuto i seguenti voti.

Requisiti di ingresso / Ammissioni

Tariffa UCAS degli studenti accettati per Contabilità

Ottieni consigli su quali sono i corsi di base più adatti a te per continuare a studiare Contabilità. Se non soddisfi i requisiti minimi in termini di punteggio UCAS, livelli A o requisiti di lingua Inglese.


La contabilità è lo studio del processo e dei sistemi usati nella produzione dei bilanci, e come questi influenzano e sono influenzati da individui, organizzazioni, mercati, società e ambiente.

Lo stipendio medio dei laureati di Contabilità era di £24004 15 mesi dopo la laurea, £23818 3 anni dopo la laurea e £293835 anni dopo la laurea.

  • Le seguenti lauree sono offerte per gli studi di Contabilità:
  • Bachelor of Arts in Economics - BAEcon
  • Master of Philosophy - MPhil
  • Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
  • Master of Science - MSc
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) - BSc (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Science - BSc
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - BA (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Law (Honours) - LLB (Hons)
  • Master of Arts (Honours) - MA (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Accountancy (Honours) - BAcc (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Accountancy - BAcc